Transport available to Caledon Home Affairs

Transport available to Caledon Home Affairs

Overstrand Thusong Service Centre is providing transport to residents to apply and/or collect their Identity Documents from the Department of Home Affairs offices in Caledon.

Tomorrow, 9 June 2022 busses will depart from Hawston and on 14 June 2022 busses will depart from Mount Pleasant/Zwelihle.

Pick up point: 9 June 2022 at Hawston Thusong Centre at 08:00
Pick up point: 14 June 2022 at Moffat Hall in Mount Pleasant at 08:00

Please note:

•    The first 60 people will be assisted on a first come, first served basis
•    Transport is only for visits to and from the Department of Home Affairs offices; not to any other department

Costs of IDs:
•    First time applicants 16 years and older – free,
•    but must be accompanied by parent for applications. Note, 16 years and older do not need to take parents with for collections.
•    Replacement of lost ID or re-issue of IDs – R140

Previous Youth employability workshops for young people offered

Mon – Fri: 07:45 – 13:00 & 13:45 – 16:30
Cashiers: 08:00 -13:00 & 13:45 – 15:00

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